


Set in the fictional town of Chamberlain, Maine, Carrie follows the struggle of Carrietta White, a vulnerable teen struggling to control her telekinetic powers with no help from her cruel peers. A controlling and religiously zealous mother only exacerbates Carrie’s role as a teenage outcast. The events culminate in a famously disastrous high school prom scene in which the town of Chamberlain learns the true extent of Carrie’s supernatural abilities.

EPAC’s production will be led by Artistic Director Edward R. Fernandez. “Unlike other musicals based on horror films, Carrie is not campy or a parody, but a moving examination of being young, and feeling different,” says Fernandez. “I am hoping with this talented cast, Carrie: The Musical will not only be a fun evening that raises some goosebumps but also an emotionally moving night of musical theater,” he adds.

This thrilling fable is sure to give shivers to any fan of King’s novel. An exploration of self-control and the supernatural, Carrie will captivate any audience that can recall their tumultuous adolescent years.

Andrew Patterson is wonderfully charming and kind-hearted as Sue’s boyfriend, Tommy Ross.
— Theatre Sensation